Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Naughty or Nice
Will you be naughty or nice this Valentine's Day?
Show off your sweetness or lustiness with a Love Monkey! You can keep one for yourself or give one to the person that holds your heart in sway or both!
[L: Dark Love Monkey Imp, R: Love Monkey Cherub]
These adorable Monkey Ornaments can be made into pins if you prefer, just leave me a note in the Message to Seller during checkout. Or maybe even a custom color combo could be made if you ask nicely, shoot me a Convo.
Be sure to check my shop for other great gift items such as my Burning Heart pillow covers or maybe a OOAK Teddy Bear, among other things. More coming soon. Well as soon as I can find my black embroidery thread, that is ;)
xx ~Static
Monday, January 25, 2010
Miniature Apothecary Cabinet

From now on, there will be available Apothecary cabinets to decorate your chemist, pharmacy or laboratory. All jar and bottles will feature reproductions of real vintage apothecary labels.
As usual, any custom order is welcome!
These cabinets have been discontinued by my supplier, and I only have a few left. If you want to secure yours, contact me with your request before they are gone.
New at Chenille Macabre!

Over at the AMPUTHEATRE store, things are getting risque: the sexy succubus Mandibula resurfaces, this time in a topless corset!
All handmade, all unique, all signed! Buy yours today!
-The Gil-Monster
Monday, January 18, 2010
Miniature collector? Birthday Give away!

Follow me to my blog, details over there... If you love classic vampire stories, you have many possibilities to win!
New Doll from Miss Millificent's Mesdamoiselles

Sara Shelf-Sitter sits on shelves... or on the edges of tables, too. She was created for this, and is happiest in this position- as happy as glum Sara can possibly be.
Sara Shelf-Sitter is, with her hair, seven-and-a-half inches tall. She is created from polymer clay, paints, pastels, yarn, and recycled and vintage fabrics. Her arms are semi-posable, her legs are not.
You can find her at Miss Millificent's Mesdamoiselles.
New at Chenille Macabre!

All handmade, all unique, and all poseable! Buy yours today!
-The Gil-Monster
Monday, January 11, 2010
New at Chenille Macabre!

All unique, all handmade, all signed! Buy yours today!
-The Gil-Monster
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Luxurious bed for your dollhouse

If so, they'd surely appreciate this luscious mahogany bed decorated with black lace, black satin sheets and burgundy velvet coverlet. It includes also two pillows and a decorative cushion with a black rose.
A fantastic acquisition for any Victorian, haunted house or witch's home!
One of a kind, only at Kaleidoskopic Romance!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year from Chenille Macabre!

All handmade, all unique, all signed! Buy yours today!
-The Gil-Monster
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Etsy Dark Side Finds: Black Christmas
Welcome to the Etsy Dark Side. We are the roaming fox fires in the darkness, the sparkling mist in the ever shifting shadows, faerie rings flow in our wake. Come join us!
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EtsyDarkTeam's theme for December was Black Christmas! Here's a peek. Be sure to check out the current Exhibition for more great items!
Row 1: TatteredRags, DoBatsEatCats, SweetButNotSour, CoffinCritters
Row 2: SWStitchery, KitCameo, AgonysDecay, CustomZombie
Row 3: ChenilleMacabre, JammerDesignz, KaleidoskopicRomance, OddSpell
Get your Halloween/Dia de los Muertos/dark side fix anytime of the year by searching for "EtsyDarkTeam" on Etsy! Check out the EtsyDarkTeam search here.
And, be sure to check out the team shop where we have some items that 100% of the proceeds go to Bat World! Help the bats, help our environment... one wing flap at a time!
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Signing up is free and easy. Just click here & begin enjoying all the hand made, unique wonders Etsy has to offer.
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The Etsy Dark Team now has a public Fan forum where you can stay on top of the latest items & deals from EDT members, or peruse the Member Directory, view the latest additions to the monthly Exhibitions (items are added throughout the month) and more. Come play with us on dark side.
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Happy New Year, my darklings! xx ~Static