
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Skellington in a Bear Suit Magnet

This is the birthday part skellington from Skeletons in Armor, which is our book of pen and ink skellington portraits.

He just wants to come to the party. He even brought you this balloon.

Only 3 dollars.

3" x 2" magnet

We are about to order a new set of magnets, and once the last 3 or 4 of these are gone, there will not be any more!


  1. Hey! He's super cute!
    I love the stuff you team puts out! Actually, i love it so much so that i'm passing along the "Kreativ Blogger Award" to your team blog! the idea now is to pass it along! check out my blog for the info :) (

  2. *squee* He's so adorable! Such a neat style.
