
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nevermore Necklace and Skull Cameo! New!

Hooray for new stuff, aye? Well, these have been in the making for a while and have finally materialized.

The first I am so psyched to finally list! I've started a small series of necklaces centered around a Poe theme. I'm using the word 'Nevermore' from his narrative The Raven and have used various vintage and modern elements to fashion it into a charming necklace.

The Listing!

Check out the above link to see it in better detail. I'm pretty pleased with it and really excited to finish the others I have in the studio.

The next started out as an experiment and it didn't quite turn out the way I would have wanted it to, but it's charming in its own way. A handmade skull cameo choker!

The Listing!

I feel like the quality of my pictures is actually getting worse XD But after an afternoon of trying again and again, I eventually just had to settle.

And so, yes, there they are! More items will be added this week as well so keep coming on back.


  1. I absolutely love the "Nevermore" necklace. Stunning!

  2. Love the Nevermore piece! Genius!

  3. I bought Nevermore! It is mine, you can be jealous now. >:)
