
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More miniatures

Following my renewed interest for dollhouses and miniatures, here you have another lovely creation for your haunted dollhouse, diorama, doll scene or just for fun!
This is a 1:12 scale cabinet filled with everything your tiny wizard or witch needs.
It includes everything you see - nothing is permanently attached, so you can arrange the items any way you like.
Want a custom made cabinet? Just let us know!
Grab it at Kaleidoskopic Romance!


  1. this looks very well made. I wouldn't mind having the bigger version of that in my home :)

  2. What a coincidence. I justed posted an article called "A Storm's a' Comin'" about storms, serendipitous moments, and life in New Orleans in August. I hit "Next" to take a break and read someone else's blog, and yours came up. Nicely done. And I see that you are a fan of juicy stormy weather.
    OK, back to work...
