
Monday, June 28, 2010

Evie the Creep art doll

Evie is a Creep... not by choice, of course. Forced into a hellish afterlife behind the locked door in the cellar of Miss Millificent's manse, Evie was a schoolgirl, sweet and free, her young mind innocent and unaware of all that is wrong in the world. Until the one day she did not heed her parents' warnings, and took a piece of candy from someone she did not know...

Evie is an OOAK art doll, created from paper clay, paints, pastels, yarn, and fabrics. She is 8 and 1/2 inches long. Her arms and legs are jointed, so you can gently pose her. You can find her at Miss Millificent's Mesdamoiselles.

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Doll...

She's available on Etsy for details...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Miniature Witch or Wizard Cabinet

A new model of miniature cabinet for your witch or wizard scene.
Including a pile of bones and skulls, real natural gemstones and a parchment scroll closed with real sealing wax!
From now on I am going to try and add more documents to my cabinets. From my own personal experience looking for them, I know it's difficult to find realistic prints for miniature settings. I make a solemn promise to offer very good-looking and clear-printed parchments documents! I hope this is the beginning of a new series of book-filled cabinets for dark libraries, studies and laboratories.
If you have your own idea for your very personal cabinet, please contact me at Kaleidoskopic Romance and I'll do my best to bring it to reality.