
Monday, March 22, 2010

New at Chenille Macabre!

All new miniature horrors haunt the subterranean world of Chenille Macabre! Plumb the dungeons today and unearth for yourself a Lizardman, a Dire Bat, and a Skeletal Warrior! Not that the surface world is any safer- we've got a Werewolf running about as well!

All handmade, all unique, all signed! Buy yours today!

-The Gil-Monster

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Zombie doll...

Inspired by Minnie Mouse and my love of all things Zombie :)

She's available on Etsy...

New Apothecary Cabinet

A new and lovely Apothecary cabinet, this time a little different...
It features, among all the mini jars, two vintage pharmacy posters, and three of the jar bottles are real laboratory vials!
Don't let it slip through your fingers! Grab it at Kaleidoskopic Romance!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Doll Giveaway...

Just one more week left to enter my giveaway to win a doll of your choice! Follow the banner for details!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Brat Boutique at Mad Hatter's Ball

EDT member, Brat Boutique will be vending at an amazing Alice in Wonderland-themed event at The Church in Dallas this Sunday night (click photo for link to The Church). OMG! Jugglers, magicians, artists, costume contests, and ABSINTHE SPECIALS!!! Oh, Dallas, why are you so far away???
Good luck, Brat Boutique! Your mini top hats should be a major hit!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New at Chenille Macabre!

It's another week of Good Guys at Chenille Macabre! Well, almost: serial killers who shoot people with Desert Eagles aren't quite on the side of angels. But the Rakshasa and Night Rakshasa miniatures are, as is the fun-loving Kitsune!

If that's too much virtue for you, you can always duck into the AMPUTHEATRE where the evil Trigger Treat looks to perforate any and all competition in The World's Goriest Board Game!

All handmade, all unique, and all signed! Buy yours today!

-The Gil-Monster

Emmaline art doll

Emmaline is another member of Miss Millificent's vast family. Her favorite flower is poppies, and she loves them so much that she plucks them with abandon, immediately singing the ends of their stalks to preserve them a little further; surrounds herself with them, inhales them and makes concoctions with their tiny seeds. Afterward, she lights dozens of candles and emulates her favorite poet Coleridge and writes sweeping epic poems about ice cream, and essays on whether the man in the moon has a Swiss cheese face. Her cat Bombay purrs nearby and wonders if his mistress wouldn't like a nice, fat mouse.

Emmaline is eleven inches tall, and her arms and legs are semi-posable. She is made from paper clay, paints, pastels, fabrics and yarn. Bombay is a free-standing stuffed felt cat. Everything is hand-sewn, including the poppies. She is varnished for protection.

You can find Emmaline at Miss Millificent's Mesdamoiselles.

Darkside Soap presents - My Goodness, it's GREEN Guinneshhhh

Guinneshhhh beer soap is back by popular demand and it's now 100% more green. Just like St Patrick's Day is unthinkable without green beer, here at the lab we feel that a shower without green beer soap is equally unthinkable.

The Darkside Soap lawyers have advised us against using the actual brand name of the beer used in this soap, but after a long night of singing 'Dirty Old Town' and shutting down the pubs; you need something to make you feel refreshed in the morning.
If you thought this beer was fun to drink, just wait until you shower with it. There is no alcohol scent to this soap, just the mild nutty scent that beer drinkers of this particular brand love. You feel invigorated & ready for a few more pints in no time.

Soap contains olive oil, coconut oil & a very dark beer.


Dark Siders featured in a Treasury!

Several members of Etsy's Dark Side Street Team were featured in a Treasury yesterday. Go give it some clicks and enjoy the wonderful goodies!